Care Community stories

Caring gesture helps May
create beautiful memories

21st June 2024 | 4 min read
Warrnambool Riverside

Sometimes, the smallest moments have the deepest impact. At Warrnambool Riverside Care Community, a kind offer from a friend helped May make precious memories with her daughter.

When May wanted to take a trip to Timboon, and the town of Peterborough where she and her husband Tom raised their family, she invited good friend Margaret along for the ride. As the day approached, May became unwell, and her daughter Kerry travelled to Warrnambool to be with her mother. So that May could enjoy precious time reminiscing with her daughter, Margaret graciously offered up her place on the trip to Kerry.

As Lani, wellbeing manager, tells it: “We listened to Kerry’s attentive descriptions to her beloved mother of the scenery, undulating farmlands, and impending rain in the distance. May is partially visually impaired and Kerry’s commentary gave her the opportunity to visualise where we were on our travels.”

“They exchanged beautiful stories of growing up in the country. As we approached Peterborough, they spoke about the houses they lived in and their beloved neighbours. I suggested we drive past their old houses and with delight we navigated through fond memories and stories about their family homes before enjoying a delicious lunch.”

Margaret was overjoyed to hear May say: “It was the best day ever!”