Care Community stories

Resident-led committees enable
agency in everyday life

25th July 2024 | 4 min read
Aged care resident committee

For many people entering aged care, the fear of losing agency and control of their own lives may be distressing. Being actively involved in decisions on matters that affect us is central to our wellbeing, especially as we age. Resident-led committees enable residents to retain agency and have a voice in day-to-day life. 

Rod lives at Joslin Manor Care Community. After a lifetime as a leader in South Australia’s berry industry, he’s uniquely qualified to lead Joslin Manor’s Garden Committee. Rod brings a sustainability focus to the Committee, and loves passing on the lessons he’s learned over decades of growing produce. Thanks to Rod and all our residents on the Garden Committee, the gardens are thriving with herbs, silverbeet, rhubarb, lettuce, radishes – and, of course, berries! And it’s a real community affair, with residents, team and family members getting involved.

Joslin Manor Care Community’s Garden Committee works hand-in-hand with its Food Focus Committee, where residents and our catering team plan nutritious, tasty meals featuring the best of Joslin Manor’s delicious edible kitchen gardens.

At Applecross Shore Care Community, former antique-shop owner Val (pictured above) embodies the spirit of his favourite quote: ‘After all – life is what you make it’ by chairing the Events and Activities Committee, with the support of his fellow residents and our team. Val and the committee know the value of the personal touch, and every event has a distinct Applecross Shore feel, with activities designed by residents for residents. On Valentine’s Day, the committee ensured every resident received an individual rose. For larger events, like the Christmas party, the committee meticulously plans every detail – from the menu, to the decorations, to the tunes. 

Judy lives at Maitland Grange Care Community. With 35 years’ of service with the Lions Club of Maitland, ‘help’ is in Judy’s DNA. After her husband Ron passed away, our Maitland Grange team supported Judy to do more of the things that bring her joy. As well as assisting our team with answering phones, Judy joined the Lifestyle Committee, helping to lead and plan Care Community events throughout the year. She also established a Cooking Committee, and organised monthly visits from a local Anglican minister. Serving her community has been a constant throughout Judy’s life, and resident-led committees enable her to continue to make a positive impact.

Read more in our Social Impact Report 2023.