residential aged care

Episode 1
The Complex

Are you supporting a loved one who is complex in nature? If so, you may be wondering how they would cope living with other people. In fact, you may be wondering whether residential care would work for them at all. Our first guest, Jan, grappled with these questions and concerns. Join us as she talks about her experience moving her mum into a Care Community.

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Letting Go of Guilt

Carer's guilt- it's all too common. The decision to move your loved one into residential aged care is full of conflicting emotions. As a caregiver, you may have feelings of guilt and perhaps you’re thinking you haven’t done enough. To add insult to i...

talking aged care

Having the Talk

‘Having the talk’ can be difficult. The move into residential aged care is a big transition, full of emotions and uncertainties. So how do you approach the subject of permanent care with your loved one? And as you have the conversation, how can you e...

partners perspective

A Partner's Perspective

We've spoken about moving parents into residential aged care, but what happens when it’s your partner? The thought of separation can be difficult and you’ll likely be concerned about how your partner will cope without you. Fortunately, support i...

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The Role Reversal

Being a caregiver is a full time job. It can be particularly complex when you’re caring for an ageing parent. Now you’re making their decisions, you’re telling them what and when they need to do things, and suddenly the roles have reversed and you’re...

conversations aged care

The Curve Ball

What happens when your loved one’s health declines suddenly? When David’s mum lost her ability to walk overnight, he unexpectedly had to begin the process of looking for residential aged care. Like many other families, he had no idea where to start. ...

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Accepting Help

You don’t need to do this alone.  Many families believe the responsibility of their loved one’s care is theirs and theirs alone. For Jason, the idea of moving his mum, Oma, into residential aged care meant he had failed her. But as Oma’s dement...

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How to make a Persian Love Cake

As featured in our Cuppa Q&A's series, Megan and Evie show us how to make a delicious Persian Love Cake.

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