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Growing our team in regional
NSW through PALMs

11th July 2024 | 4 min read
PALM scheme

Finding capable, enthusiastic team members is a test for many sectors in regional Australia. But the toughest challenges often lead to innovative answers and Opal HealthCare is proud to play our part in a creative solution that brings good to older Australians, regional communities, and our neighbours in the Pacific. 

The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme enables aged care workers from Fiji and Timor-Leste to come to Australia to bring much-needed capability to our regions, develop their skills and support their families financially. PALMs is supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the PALMs Aged Care Expansion Program team.

Older Australians and regional communities benefit from the values of compassionate care these team members bring, while the scheme also enables them to earn a qualification that will help them progress their career in Australia, and at home. 

A rewarding care journey

Nine months ago, we welcomed 22 team members from Fiji, providing them with accommodation, furniture, and everything they needed to adjust to Australian life. 

In turn, the warm, caring nature of our team members meant they quickly became part of our family in regional NSW at Orange Grove Care Community (Central West), Denhams Beach Care Community (South Coast), and on the Central Coast at Kanwal Gardens Care Community, Killarney Vale Care Community, Norah Head Care Community, and Wallarah Point Care Community. 

Today, with the support of our training partner Essential Skills, these team members graduated as Care Support Officers, with a Certificate III in Individual Support, at a ceremony where they were cheered on by proud family, residents, and fellow Care Community team members, and leaders. 

"The PALM scheme has been a wonderful way to introduce the passion, care and humility of the Fijian culture into our Care Communities," said Michael Britt, Regional General Manager NSW North. 

"Recruiting team members into any rural or regional Care Community can be challenging, and our graduates have brought so much warmth, professionalism and care to our residents."

And while it was difficult for many of our graduates to leave home and travel to Australia, the experience has been thoroughly rewarding. 

"This program has given us a great opportunity to work in aged care and gain a qualification," said graduate Shanu. "It's been wonderful". 

Congratulations to our graduates!